Drive4Success After-School Program

What is Drive4Success?

Drive4Success is an after-school program that takes place at Wake County Title I elementary schools. The participants like to call it their “golf club,” where they get to learn, play, and make new friends in a safe space. The kids meet in a classroom during dismissal to engage in a lesson on one of our Key Commitments, and then they head outside to learn the fundamentals of golf through fun, interactive games. Parents pick up their child in carpool after the program.

The sessions consist of eight 90-minute classes that take place on the same day each week. First Tee — Triangle trains school staff to deliver the program. Your child will learn basic golf fundamentals such as putting, chipping, target awareness, and distance response, while learning about the Key Commitments required to become a Game Changer. We use Short Golf equipment, which is modified to ensure success among our beginners.

All activities will take place at the school** and equipment will be provided. No golf experience is necessary!  Times and dates vary by school.  All participants can register for free.

*Note: Students may only participate in the program at the school where they attend. For example, Brentwood students cannot participate in Walnut Creek’s program.

**Southeast Raleigh takes place off campus.

Spring 2024 Schedule:

Thank You To Our School Sponsors!

Because of you, we are able to provide our Drive4Success program FREE of charge to all of our participants and expand program offerings to more schools throughout the Triangle.

Schools Still In Need of A Sponsorship

  • Creech Elementary School
  • Hodge Road Elementary School
  • Lincoln Heights Magnet Elementary School
  • Lynn Road Elementary School
  • Pleasant Grove Elementary School
  • Poe Elementary School
  • Powell Center for Play and Ingenuity Magnet Elementary School
  • Smith Magnet Elementary School
  • Southeast Raleigh Elementary School
  • Wake Forest iSTEM Magnet Elementary School
  • Walnut Creek Elementary School
  • Wilburn Elementary School