Life Skills and Golf Skills

Life Skills Experience

First Tee Life Skills Experience™ is a progressive program divided into six levels. As participants progress, each level introduces new and more advanced concepts of golf and life skills. In order to move from one level to the next, participants must complete the certification requirements at that level.

Little Linkster

All 5 and 6 year old participants enroll in the Little Linkster classes. At this level, coaches emphasize fun and exploration of the game of golf.


All NEW participants ages 7 and up start at the PLAYer level. PLAYer introduces the game of golf with special emphasis on learning the game and First Tee Code of Conduct, appreciating the rules and etiquette of the game, and First Tee Nine Core Values.


Participants that are at least 9 years old and have passed PLAYer certification enroll in the Par level. Par focuses on interpersonal communication and self-management skills.


Participants that are at least 11 years old and have passed Par certification enroll in the Birdie level. Birdie emphasizes goal-setting.


Participants that are at least 13 years old and have passed Birdie certification enroll in the Eagle level. Eagle emphasizes resilience skills, conflict resolution and planning for the future.


Participants that are at least 14 years old and have passed Eagle certification can enroll in the Ace level. Ace participants are given personal development projects that focus on setting goals for golf, career and education, and giving back to the community.


Golf Skills

The four golf fundamentals we work on at every level include the following:


Takes place when one is on the green and involves rolling the ball to the hole.


Takes place when one is near the green and typically involves a low shot designed to roll/run the ball to the pin. Usually a quarter to half swing.


Takes place when one is further from the green and typically involves a high shot designed to land the ball softly on the green. Usually a half to three quarter swing.

Full Swing

Takes place off the tee and often in the fairway. Can be used with any club from driver to wedge.

First Tee will always incorporate at least two fundamentals per class and may be taught through fun games or drills.